Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hillary Calls on her YouTube Fans...

In a press release on Hillary Clinton's website today, she asked for her supporters to send in videos for the CNN/YouTube debate on July 23.

From Clinton's campaign website:

CNN/YouTube has asked all the candidates to create a thirty-second video to be aired during the debate. Clinton is asking her supporters to take on the assignment and submit their own videos, explaining to America why Hillary is their choice for President. http://www.hillaryclinton.com/news/release/view/?id=2353

Hillary is once again trying to exude a more relate-able persona, and interact with her supporters. She is trying to make people believe she cares, even about those of us whose lives are pretty much confined to the Internet. I just hope those poor YouTubers who send her adoring videos don't actually think that she will care about them after the election. After she gets their votes, they will be of no use to her and will be discarded, much like she will do with American babies.

Perhaps she is afraid of her campaign making an "all-about-Hillary" video, because whatever issues she discusses in said video, will be questioned. Her instability on issues will be brought to the forefront once again and that is not something she is ready to back up. She could just say, "I am human" and at least most Democrats would forgive her. But she's not human, she is some sort of socialistic gremlin whose sincerity stops at her loathing for everything conservative.

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