Monday, July 30, 2007

Hillary's Public Service Academy

Sen. Hillary Clinton has said that if elected president, she wants to create a public service academy designed to inspire young Americans to serve others. This seems to contradict her liberal views, where most people count on the government to do everything for them, unless of course she wants this younger generation to all work for the government. Then, of course, this idea will hinder her hopes to make the government run more efficiently. But that's okay, she never would have made that work, even if she had meant it.

She describes this plan of hers as "a new citizenship" that defines who we are as a nation. Hillary once again trashed Bush's response to Katrina, global warming and destroying our world standing. But she said to a group of young Democrats who have not yet learned to think on their own, "We can restore America's image around the world. Let's do it together." So, what she is saying is that she wants the world to view Americans as people who are unable to take care of themselves, but generous incompetents. That sounds really effective. After years of caring about only one thing...her political position...her thought process is truly hindered.

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