Thursday, January 24, 2008

Can Bill be Harnessed?

I cannot help but add my own remarks about former President Bill Clinton, since everybody else seems to be commenting on his catty, some believe inappropriate, campaigning. So he attacks Obama, of course...he bickers with reporters, yeah. What I don't understand is why people find this odd. If he was going to act regal and appropriate, wouldn't he have acted like that in the oval office? Why does anyone expect this decent behavior now? In my opinion (which even my own father disagrees with), this is one of the reasons why spouses of former presidents should not be allowed to run for president. The people who support Bill Clinton, will listen to what he says now. It will not matter that his wife is even less qualified than him to lead the free world. He said it, it must be so. The Clinton-lemmings will use this rationale.

Yes, many people are criticising Bill because they want the Clinton slew to make way for Obama. These are the people who think it is more important to elect the first black president, rather than the first female president. Of course, my main bone to pick with these people is that they should pick the most qualified person for the job, not simply to try and achieve some new quota or establish presidential affirmative action.

In my opinion, the reasons Bill is out there so hard for Hill are selfish, not patriotic or supportive. He wants the prestige, he wants the money, and most importantly, he wants to be able to sleep with the most powerful woman in the world...good luck Bill, isn't she celibate?

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