Saturday, July 7, 2007


What I find the most puzzling about this is that a high-profile Democrat like Hillary Clinton finds it particularly easy to suck money out of wealthy liberal activists like the attendees of this event, yet she still feels compelled to break the law so that her campaign can pocket a few $100 thousand.

Even if Hillary knew nothing of this false reporting, which she more than likely did, it shows the country the type of people who she chooses to surround herself with. We should not reward this sort of behavior by electing them to positions of the greatest power, while punishing ourselves at the same time. Or perhaps we should, my dad always said, "If people are dumb enough to elect them (in this case her), then they deserve what they get." Unfortunately, if this were the case, those of us who value truth, honesty and responsibility will also pay this terrible price.

Liars, swindlers and scoundrels naturally flock to the Clintons. Are these the type of people we want running our country?

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