For those who believe that global warming is a real problem, and not just another one of Earth's many cycles, please present us with further proof beyond melting icebergs and increased tropical storms. If global warming is going to bring an end to life as we know it, then I don't think that there is much we will be able to do about it. When God makes up his mind to clear the slate that is Earth, then we should pray instead of attending concerts that cause more o-zone deterioration than an entire family will in a decade.
In a further attempt to sell her green lifestyle, Hillary says, "I have also made my campaign carbon neutral by offsetting all carbon emissions produced by the campaign during travel, at the headquarters and in all state offices." If Hillary was truly concerned about her carbon footprint I am sure that she would have used more eco-friendly vehicles and not sent empty private jets flying back and forth simply because they were not comfy enough for her return flight. Perhaps this is just me, but I find it difficult to fall into a fad promoted by hypocrites.
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