Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I firmly believe that Hillary Clinton will bury this country, and I love the bitter attacks between her and Obama. Knowing that both of the Democratic presidential candidates would destroy the remaining liberties we have as citizens, liberals' present choice is between a man with little experience and strong anti-American ties, or a woman who "misspeaks" and lies. In all honesty, these are probably the least of their concerns, but these issues are forefront in the media, so that is what people are thinking about now.

Soon, Barack Obama will have all of his dirty secrets drug out, even worse than his relationship and shared ideas with close friend and vocal backer Rev. Wright. And of course Hillary Clinton's lack of executive experience, shady cover-ups and mysterious deaths associated with her family will be unearthed again. As frustrating and difficult as this may be for some, especially the candidates...I say...Let the good times roll!

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